Harvard Web Publishing (HWP)

Content tagged with Harvard Web Publishing (HWP)

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Sarah Horton


I have worked in a variety of roles in higher education, as a UX designer and developer, web director, strategy lead, and research fellow. I’ve also been a digital accessibility consultant, author, and advocate. My focus in on using thoughtfully designed...

Carole Mah


My recent experience as a web developer includes back end development, databases, and migrations, mostly in the non-profit world, often concentrating on API integrations, as well as on modernizing and upgrading legacy and deprecated code. Previously, I...

Erika Hansen


My experience includes web design, content strategy, visual design, project management, and client training and support. I am passionate about creating high-quality digital experiences and helping clients achieve their goals. When I’m not working on the...

Joe Weiner


My work focuses on project management, content strategy, user experience, accessibility, design, client consultations, support and training. I previously taught computer literacy classes at a non-profit organization assisting students learning English as...

Kenton Doyle


I have been working on the web at Harvard since 2004. My experience includes web/UX strategy and consulting, service delivery, operations, project and program management. In my early days, I did a lot of project and support work - building things...

Dorian Freeman


I lead a team to provide UX and accessibility services to people across Harvard. I founded the Harvard UX Group community of practice, the UX working group, and teach the User Experience Foundations IT Academy course.

Come talk to me about making sure...

Kate Brodoff


My current work focuses on all things web at Harvard: project and product management, site building, design, user experience, accessibility, training, and support. My previous roles spanned across early education and the health sector with a focus on...

Dan Cabral


I have been in the web/interactive field since the early 2000's, working in industries ranging from higher ed, to advertising, to publishing, and market research. While I have held a variety of positions, my focus has always been on leveraging...

Gabriel Caro


I have over 20 years of experience at Harvard in information technology, digital strategy, project management, web design, and digital communication. I also teach the Writing for the Web course at the University, as well as sending out the monthly...

Richard J. Clinch


I focus on creating simple to use, strategically driven and visually compelling experiences for Harvard. Passionate about high quality and accessibility, my work spans over 20 years as a consultant providing design and UX services. In my free time, I...